Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Happy Family~Hooray..

The perfect couple in the bbq-ing day..
The orange juice is their trophy..wakaka...



Gamble God..


Bad photo taking..

At Pek Lee's house...

Me & Shu Ning..

All of the guy look so cool..especially that red shirt guy..look like dai lou..He is QT

Wakaka..cutting watermelon...but i duno how to cut..so i jz help dem to take photo...

Me and my 2nd honey jenjen...

Wakaka..this 1 nicer...

Oops..Me & my lover so gt 'fu qi siang' wakaka..

We all at Tesco buy food and go eat together at food court there.

Me and my lover..So sweet...

See..Sook Sook so yeng...wakaka...

Poo Ai, Me & Suk ling..Friendship Forever...

We are a big family...BAT03...

In the first blog, I said I will show you all about my family photo..Now, I show to you all.

That time, we just finish our mid-term test, assignment and presentation. Then our class organize one bbq party. It was so happy on that day. After the business accounting class, poo ai and sook han drive car fetch we all go to tesco there buy food. We buy a lot of food and all the 'ga chang'. After finish buying the food, we go to food court there to having our lunch. Damn hungry on that day.

After that we all go back home. Some go back to take a nap, some playing game and relax, but me and poo ai sembang non-stop at her house. Heha.. Damn happy.

Me and Poo Ai go to Pek Lee's house by 1830. There was so many people at there. Pek Lee was prepare all the food like salad and Suk Ling prepare 'yan' chicken. After we all at there, Suk Ling was organize one funny game for we all is call 'Angel'. The game is like that-she ask us to lucky draw then the person that u had chosen, you are responsible to take care of him or her. Do u know who that person that i chosen? Is Ah Hin. Wakaka.. By the way, I din take care of him. End up, he is keep on complaint at me. The person who to be my angel is Rocky. He not really take care of me because she only give me one hotdog to eat only. Too bad. Finally, the most perfect group is Sze Lee and Ah Beng. They get a trophy too that is a botol of orange juice. Wakaka... At that time, Sze Lee is so shy and Beng too. Heha..

Besides, Juin also got order the Tom Yam Bee Hun. It is so nice. I still remember that I eat a lot. End up, I go toilet 'Lau Sai'. The other friends busy bbq-ing but I busy 'Lau Sai' in the toilet. Wakaka.. Sure got some problem on that Bee Hun. We also gamling on that day. Some drinking too. One of my friend mabuk that is Boon Teong. Gagaga...

After finish bbq-ing, whole class go to westlake there. We bring along the watermelon too. Unfortunately, I din take photo at westlake there. We all keep on ask question to one another. We all keep on playing Sze Lee and Beng and Ah hin and Shu Huey. Wakaka..really play non-stop. We go until 12 sumthing then we back already.

Oh ya, forgot to remind you all. The tesco watermelon damn no sweet. Dunno is tesco problem or is Sook Han technique problem. Heha...

Final exam is coming soon. So, I wish you all good luck and obtain good result. Do not give up until the last second. Hope our friendship never end. Hope my classmate will see and enjoy what i wrote here.

Happy is never ending...


  1. honey ah, nice blog..
    but oh, d bbq ard past so long time d lo..
    now only u wrote abt it..
    hee.. dunno how 2 describe u d..
    u r so qute lo.. haha..
    yaya.. BBA T03, a big family..
    like it.. love it.. hiipy..

  2. yalo..now I only learn and start to write blog. You dunno your honey very outdated one meh? Heha..
