Monday, July 13, 2009

---~Couple Outing~---

Before I go to bed, let me briefly write and telling you all about the Ipoh trip.

My boy friend came to visit me last Friday with his housemate Yee Sheng. Actually this is the

right time that he came to visit me because I need him at that time. So I feel very comfortable

and quite happy in this weekend.

Actually I got test on last Friday. My boy friend was waiting in my room. I'm feel happy to saw

him when I enter into my room. I feel warm, chock-full of love and relax. I like the feeling very

much. Thanks Lao Gong for accompany me this few days. You really comfort me a lot and feel

very happy to stay together with you. I hope that you can stay with me all the time.

We go JUSCO shopping and watch the Ice Age 3. This movie is so funny, make us laugh non

stop..Damn happy. Besides, we also went to 安记 there eat 芽菜鸡. Walao..really nice. I like my

super big meat ball. Meat ball is my favourite which I like it since I was small. After that we went

to Ipoh Parade shopping. We buy a lot of things at the Jusco and Ipoh Parade. Really want 'Puak

Gai liao'. Oh ya, forgot to mention that we go to buy the bicycle also which is a couple bicycle. Ai

Ping..find one day we cycle to pasar malam there ba..hehe..I sure will buy a lot of food now

because I no need to carry it...hiak hiak...

k ba..Its time to sleep now. Damn tired and sleepy. Last night have to 'piak' until so late all

because of I din touch the book at all in last weekend. Go out often. Although is tired but the

important is i really enjoyed on this weekend. Really feel happy and relax. You make bright my

days. Thanks and love you.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

~Lao Gong & Me~

I'm not going to say very detail on this blog because I have so many thing to busy..a lot of assignment some more need to find some journal for tomorrow.

My Lao Gong just go back for an hour ago, but this time is different compared to the previous one. The purpose of this blog is i want to shout out that 'I'M VERY HAPPY'. Oh my god..why am I so happy? haha.. Soon..I will tell you all why am I so happy..gaga..

Hope I can spend some time to continue this blog. I think I will and I should too because I hope I can share my happiness with you all.

The last thing that I want to say is Lao Gong, thanks a lot for accompany me this weekend. You make me so happy. I'm so enjoyed. I like to be with you. I hope I can hug you tight and grab your hand until forever. I love you so much.

~NeverEnd Stories~

Sunday, June 21, 2009

~For My Beloved Papa~

Such a long time I didn't update my blog. In this blog, I would like to talk about my beloved Papa. I went back to my hometown, Penang last Friday to celebrate Father's Days. I'm so happy and enjoy on this weekend because I can meet my family and my boy friend too. He also went back to Penang to celebrate with his Papa too.

I was arrive at Penang Jeti there around 2pm in the afternoon. After I had my lunch then I go to my Papa's durian stall. Actually I'm very happy to see my Papa but i still dunno why my heart will feel 'sour sour' like that everytime when i saw my Papa. I feel hurt or 'sim tia' when I saw him so 'ping'? or he look very tired? or he feel very suffer? or he getting old? or may be he will leave me soon??

Say the truth, I really very scare and worried that my family include my little lao gong will leave me someday. Of cause, I know that every human also will pass that scary thing. But, what can I do and live if without them? I really love my Papa very much and my mama too. Actually I was so sad when I come back to Kampar. I was so guity that I didn't find my Papa this afternoon. Today is Father's Day but i didn't go find him, I feel that I was wrong. After I arrive Kampar, I phone my Papa and greet him Father's Day. After I greet my Papa, my heart start feeling better but I still miss him a lot.

'DEAD' this word make me feel very scary and make me feel that life is too short. My Mama told me before that she will die around 50 something. Do you know what is my feeling at that moment? I really want to cry it out and hug her tight. I was so scare to listen all this thing. My Papa and Mama sacrificed so much for their beloved children. I really love them so much. Actually I cry non stop while on the way back to Kampar. I really feel very suffer and cannot survive in Kampar. I really can't imagine what will happen to me if one of my family or my lao gong leave me oneday. I really will mad. I really dunno how long that i will sad. I really dunwan them to leave me. If one day, I have a chance to allow me to shorter my life to extend the life of my beloved parent, I would rather to do so. But I know that I can't do anything anymore because this all had set when we was born. So, I just hope that my beloved Papa & Mama have a wonderful life before they left me.

I was said that my parent sacrificed for their children so much. But I really dunno why I cannot 'demi' my parent to put more effort and study hard to get a good result for my parent? Maybe I too lazy? Motiveless to study? But my Papa is so hardworking to earn more money for me and my little brother to study? Why he can and want to work hard? Why I can't? But start from today, I will make a promise to my Papa and Mama that I will put more effort to get a good result for you all, get loan so that my Papa won't feel too suffer, do not waste money on other useless thing, to get a Degree cert to make you proud, sayang you two, won't make you angry-whatever you not allow then I won't do, and many many more. are so famous for me. Everybody will think of you and know you when they heard about 'DURIAN' this word. So many 'Stars' go your stall eat before. Eg, Chai Lan, Xin Jie and many many more..I can't remember it all. And Chai Lan wrote a book for you, got your name and your phone number there. Papa..I really proud of you and feel very touching. Just wanna to tell you that you are a great Papa and successful Papa. I really proud of you. Now, to be your daughter I also will be the famous and popular one oneday. I won't make you dissapoited anymore. I really will try it hard and change whatever that I can change. I love you so much Papa. So sorry that I only can shout it out and speak out at here because I too introvert and I will feel shy to tell you all 'rou ma' thing. Hope my brother after read my blog will help me to pass all the message to my beloved Papa and Mama. always will be the greatest one in my heart. You two so care of me. When something going wrong to me, two of you will help me to solve it. Two of you give a wonderful and meaningful childhood for me although we are poor last time. My Ah Ma Kampung is the natural and happy place for me. all make bright my future. Thanks God that you give me a happy family. I feel that I am so blissful compared with others. Still got many thing that I want to say about my beloved Papa and Mama. But there is lack of time to describe the life of my Papa and Mama since they are young. But soon I hope I will write about it.

And let me mention about my little lao gong. So sorry that I neglect you sometimes. I know that sometimes I didn't think of your feeling. I really feel guilty with that. But one thing that I can promise you is I will love you always and won't leave you. I really love you so much.

Finally, what I said in this blog is consider as a promise between me and my Papa, Mama and Lao Gong. Of cause, I would like to wish my Papa have a Wonderful and Happy Father's Day.
Love you all always.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

~~God Bless You~~

Actually I'm going to bed just now, but I can't sleep. I'm so worried and thinking of my grandma. I really very worried about you grandma.

This evening, I was on the way going back to my hostel. Suddenly, my mum phone me. She told me that my grandma will having an operation tomorrow. The risk is very high, but my grandma still insist to take the operation. She is a very brave grandma, she won't fear of painful. I'm so proud of her, but I know that she was very suffer.

She have been stay in the hospital for more than three months. If for you, what will you feel? What is your feeling if you lay on bed for 24 hours? Sure is very suffer ,isn't it? But my grandma is more than 3 months lying at there. I feel very pity with her, because I can feel how suffer she was and she never say a single words. But sometimes she will cry when she cant bear the pain anymore.

I will pray for my grandma and hope she can pass through all these nightmare . I apologize for what I did to you last time. I'm not a good grandchildren, I admit with that. After I start staying alone at outside, I only know that how good my family include you (grandma) treat me.

I just want to suggest to all of my friends and the readers, family is very important to us. No matter what mistake that we have done, we are still a family. Only family's member will forgive, give some suggestion and encourage us. No one else will treat you like that unless you have a true friend. But normally, a true friend is hard to find. So, we must appreciate our family if not we sure will regret someday. As my brother say, we wont know when is the person that we love will left us. The only thing we can do is try our best to love them more. This is one of the way and also the only way that we can do.

Here, is the only the place that I can show my love to my family. Although I seldom show out my love and care, but actually I'm very worry of you and sometimes I will think of you. Take care, grandma. I hope you will recover as soon as possible. We (family) will always be with you. Don't be scare because we are always by your side to support you. Love lovely grandma.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Happy Family~Hooray..

The perfect couple in the bbq-ing day..
The orange juice is their trophy..wakaka...



Gamble God..


Bad photo taking..

At Pek Lee's house...

Me & Shu Ning..

All of the guy look so cool..especially that red shirt guy..look like dai lou..He is QT

Wakaka..cutting watermelon...but i duno how to i jz help dem to take photo...

Me and my 2nd honey jenjen...

Wakaka..this 1 nicer...

Oops..Me & my lover so gt 'fu qi siang' wakaka..

We all at Tesco buy food and go eat together at food court there.

Me and my lover..So sweet...

See..Sook Sook so yeng...wakaka...

Poo Ai, Me & Suk ling..Friendship Forever...

We are a big family...BAT03...

In the first blog, I said I will show you all about my family photo..Now, I show to you all.

That time, we just finish our mid-term test, assignment and presentation. Then our class organize one bbq party. It was so happy on that day. After the business accounting class, poo ai and sook han drive car fetch we all go to tesco there buy food. We buy a lot of food and all the 'ga chang'. After finish buying the food, we go to food court there to having our lunch. Damn hungry on that day.

After that we all go back home. Some go back to take a nap, some playing game and relax, but me and poo ai sembang non-stop at her house. Heha.. Damn happy.

Me and Poo Ai go to Pek Lee's house by 1830. There was so many people at there. Pek Lee was prepare all the food like salad and Suk Ling prepare 'yan' chicken. After we all at there, Suk Ling was organize one funny game for we all is call 'Angel'. The game is like that-she ask us to lucky draw then the person that u had chosen, you are responsible to take care of him or her. Do u know who that person that i chosen? Is Ah Hin. Wakaka.. By the way, I din take care of him. End up, he is keep on complaint at me. The person who to be my angel is Rocky. He not really take care of me because she only give me one hotdog to eat only. Too bad. Finally, the most perfect group is Sze Lee and Ah Beng. They get a trophy too that is a botol of orange juice. Wakaka... At that time, Sze Lee is so shy and Beng too. Heha..

Besides, Juin also got order the Tom Yam Bee Hun. It is so nice. I still remember that I eat a lot. End up, I go toilet 'Lau Sai'. The other friends busy bbq-ing but I busy 'Lau Sai' in the toilet. Wakaka.. Sure got some problem on that Bee Hun. We also gamling on that day. Some drinking too. One of my friend mabuk that is Boon Teong. Gagaga...

After finish bbq-ing, whole class go to westlake there. We bring along the watermelon too. Unfortunately, I din take photo at westlake there. We all keep on ask question to one another. We all keep on playing Sze Lee and Beng and Ah hin and Shu Huey. Wakaka..really play non-stop. We go until 12 sumthing then we back already.

Oh ya, forgot to remind you all. The tesco watermelon damn no sweet. Dunno is tesco problem or is Sook Han technique problem. Heha...

Final exam is coming soon. So, I wish you all good luck and obtain good result. Do not give up until the last second. Hope our friendship never end. Hope my classmate will see and enjoy what i wrote here.

Happy is never ending...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

To Those Who Love Me

I just back from my hometown (Penang) to Kampar. Do you know what is my feeling from the 1st step into the bus? My feeling is DON'T WANT TO GO BACK TO KAMPAR. I was very missing my parent and my lovely lao gong. I am very homesick.

I went to Penang last week because of 'Cheng Beng'. All my relatives are met together. I feel very happy and warm on that moment. Such a long time i already din feel like this. That day I also play with my cousin's baby, the baby so cute! I feel so meaningful in these few day at Penang.

I always stay at home efore went to University study , that time my parent especially my mum always control me. I feel that i didn't have any freedom and cannot 'breath' at all. At that time, i feel that my parent treat me unfair and they dun love me at all. After i came to UTAR, Kampar here, I only realise that how much my parent love me.

Actually my parent dun allow me to drive car, is because of they worried about my savety. My parent dun allow me to dye hair, actually is because of they care of my healthy. My parent always worried about me, but why i will feel that they treat me bad? I feel very guilty and sad. My parent protect me a lot. Whenever i was in troubles, they always here to help me. They solve everything for me. I feel that I'm very blissful.

Actually I wanna to say thanks and love them. But i can't. Because my family is kinda conservative. So, it is hard for me to open my mouth and show my love to them. They will feel shy too. So, the only way that i can show my love to them is just only at here. But i think they wont even know what I wrote because my parent are illiterate.

I told my parent about my problems often. So, they know me well. They always give me some suggestion and teach me how to slove it. At the same time, I make them worried about me. Sorry papa and mama. I was wrong. I not suppose to tell you all. I make you all worried about me. I think i can't find such a good mama and papa already. I love you all so much.

My lao gong help me a lot too. Whenever i feel sad, he always comfort me and sayang me too. My parent and my lao gong help me without saying any single words . "Sometime if we really care someone, we dont need to let them know all the thing that you done for them, just care them from our heart, someday they will realise it". This is what my lao gong told me. I really dunno how to explain how much you treat me well. Love you lao gong.

I dunno whether other people will accept what i said or not. Because maybe they dun like the way that i showing my love or other things. But i just can say, this is who i am .

Papa, Mama and Lao Gong..I WANNA BACK HOME...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I'm Learning

Today is the first day that i create my blog. I have so many thing that I need to learn. Now i am learning to write a simple blog for myself. I am so homesick and i miss my parent and my lao gong so much. I very hope that i can be with them all the time. But i know that this is impossible. Therefore, this is the appropriate time for me to learn and train myself to be more independent. Yes, i have to learn this. Actually i am very scare to step in the real world. But i dun have any choice because this is what the world it is. When i feel scare, i will keep telling myself that there is nothing is impossible. So, i was searching a new way for myself.

There was a person who are help me a lot. I really feel very touching and blissful. Thank you lao gong. I think i can't find such a good boy friend anymore. You teach me a lot of thing and i learn many thing from you too. I really hope that we can stay happy and until forever. When i was sad, you accompany me. When i need you, you are always beside me. You had give me a lot of support. I love you.

Besides, I would like to talk about my classmate. I am so like all of my classmate. I feel very warm to stay in that class. There was so many friends that I can share my happiness with them. I just feel that we are the Happy Family. Especially Poo Ai and Juin, they are help me a lot. When i sad, they will give me some suggestion and comfort me. Thank you all a lot. I will appreciate you all. Next time, I would like to post my family photo to show you all.

Final exam is coming soon. I would like to wish good luck to all of my friends. Hope we all can get good result. Its time to leaving. Will be continue next time. Thanks for viewing my blog.